ISA Prep Corse (50% OFF)

$497.00 USD

ISA Prep Course Overview  

The Learn Trees ISA Certification Exam Prep Course is a comprehensive program designed to help you succeed in the challenging ISA Certification Exam. Created by a highly experienced Board Certified Master Arborist, Bill Scott, the course offers 18 videos, chapter-specific quizzes, and practice tests to ensure a deep understanding of the material. You'll also have access to personalized support from Bill Scott and a supportive green industry community, all for the limited-time price of $497, making it the perfect resource to conquer the exam and advance your arborist career with confidence.

CEU Breakdown

  • Certified Arborist - 27
  • Utility Specialist - 6
  • Municipal Specialist - 21
  • Aerial Lift Specalist - 6
  • Climber Specialist - 6
  • BCMA Practice - 12.75
  • BMA Science - 10.5
  • BCMA Management - 3.75

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